Urban Operations Training Systems/Integrated MOUT Training Systems (UOTS/IMTS)
The UOTS program will support the full spectrum of operations – from traditional war fighting tactics, to nation-building, to overseas contingency operations. The contract includes the Integrated Military Operations on Urban Terrain (MOUT) Training Systems, Mobile MOUTs and the Combat Training Center MOUT Instrumentation System.
The UOTS supports permanent and non-permanent structure facilities, including addition or expansion to existing facilities. It also supports the integration across sites and live, virtual and constructive mission domains, as well as the continuation of instrumentation and data processing growth corresponding with tactical systems.
Strategic Range Solutions currently provides a wide range of targetry, indoor / outdoor range instrumentation, counter-improvised explosive device training and equipment integration capabilities to U.S. Department of Defense forces. The UOTS program will involve integrating many of these capabilities along with other technologies into a comprehensive training system.